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Pteronaps- Naps for short- are a small, flat-faced anthro species that primarily live in forests, thriving off of the land around them and causing mischief for the other species living in the forest! There are, however, Naps that live near farms and cause ruckus and mischief to the farmers that live there! The Naps love to drink nectar, and the flowers in gardens and the sap from trees is perfect for them! Along with fruits; but not so much for veggies!

Pteronaps are known for being pests and are small trouble-makers to some of the communities around them. Naps are small in size, typically around the size of a bat or a very, very small flying fox. All Naps have connected arm wings, similar to what bats have! This feature cannot be taken away, as it is what defines them! Naps also have 'butt' wings, a small set of wings that are above the tail and on the butt. They have small feet paws for landing, and fluffy neck fur to help keep them warm!